In the Patriotic Song titled America, the poet calls America "Land of the Pilgrims Pride". About 400 years ago, 13 years after the first English Settlement in America called James Town, there was another group of people who came to America to seek freedom of religion. They wanted to worship their God different from the Church of England and formed their own Congregation called Saints. The Saints came under persecution in England. Many of these Saints moved to Holland, Netherlands seeking religious freedom. These immigrants could not find jobs in Holland and parents did not like the bad influence the local culture was having on their children. The Saints (along with their Family) went back to England. They were again persecuted in England and sent to prisons. They wanted to go to America and they bargained and paid for passage along to Atlantic Ocean on to ships called the Speedwell and the Mayflower. Summer 1620 These ships set sail. 300 miles and into the sea the Speedwell ...